
本ウェブサイトは「日本法令国際発信プロジェクト」の一環として作られました。2016年10月、総務省が主体となり「法政執務業務支援システム (e-LAWS) 」の運用を開始しました。これにより、それまで紙ベースで行われていた法令案の作成から公表までの処理が電子的にできるようになりました。e-LAWSを支える最も重要な技術の一つが日本法令に合わせた法令標準XMLスキーマです。これによって、現行法令のオープンデータ化が達成されました。e-gov 法令検索(https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp) で法令検索ができるのもこの法令標準XMLスキーマのおかげです。
これを実現するため、我々は海外の法令標準XMLスキーマ(Akoma Ntoso)に着目しました。海外ではAkoma Ntosoベースのアプリケーションが開発され、様々なサービスが展開されています。これらの既存アプリケーションを日本法令データに利用できるよう提供します。これにより、誰もが日本法令データを利用できるだけでなく、世界の法令とのリンクトオープンデータ化による世界の法律との情報共有など法学研究分野への貢献も期待できます。

中村 誠

About Japanese Law DB

This website was established as part of the "International Dissemination of Japanese Laws and Regulations Project." In October 2016, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications launched the e-Legislative Activity and Work Support System (e-LAWS), which enables users to process laws and regulations electronically, from drafting to publication, which had previously been done on paper. One of the most important technologies supporting e-LAWS is the legal standard XML schema for the Japanese law. This makes the current laws and regulations open data. Thanks to the legal standard XML schema, you can search for laws on e-gov Law Search (https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp).
The purpose of this project is to provide many applications using law data to those who are interested in Japanese laws and regulations. Thus far, applications such as an e-legislative editor and a management system have been developed by the ministries and agencies to make use of the legal standard XML schema. This open data format also allows you to freely develop applications using the law data. However, it requires a lot of work to develop them from scratch. We are going to provide some useful applications from the viewpoint of those who want to study Japanese laws.
In order to realize this, we focused on the foreign legal standard XML schema (Akoma Ntoso). Overseas, Akoma Ntoso-based applications have been developed and various services have been deployed. We provide these existing applications to be used for Japanese law data. This will not only allow anyone to use Japanese law data, but also contribute to the field of legal research, such as information sharing with the laws of the world by making Japanese law data accessible to the world through linked open data.
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP19H04427. In building this website, we used the law data and law standard XML schema provided at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. The English translation of legal texts is based on the Japanese Law Translation Database published by the Ministry of Justice.

Contact us
Makoto Nakamura
(Associate Professor at Niigata Institute of Technology, Japan)